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  • Noise & Vibration Services
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Modelling is one of the only ways in which the scale of a noise and vibration issue can be understood and the cost-effectiveness of noise control and mitigation measures can be determined. Using GIS, modelling outputs can be used to help understand the health effects of noise and vibration.

Noise Consultants use sophisticated noise and vibration modelling tools that harness digital mapping, drawings and demographic datasets to develop 3D models of existing and future environments. Within these models, noise and vibration propagation calculations can take place, allowing the effect of noise and vibration to be understood along with the measures that best serve to control their propagation.

Our consultants have a background in large area noise mapping and modelling projects. Our experience includes noise modelling of:

  • Aircraft and aviation sources
  • Road and highway infrastructure
  • Light and heavy rail
  • Industrial operations
  • Military infrastructure

We have developed tools, processes and workflows that have increased modelling efficiency which allows noise modelling to be deployed without significant cost to even the smallest of projects.

Our tools and processes allow for:

  • Model Validation – a process of calibrating our models to reflect real-world measured levels and/or the outcome of long-term surveys;
  • Calculated Emissions – gathering and processing information to enable the calculation of noise emissions, namely for roads and railways using methodologies such as the Calculation of Railway Noise (CRN) and the Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN); and
  • Individual Noise Events – calculation of noise levels as a result of noise events rather than noise exposure.

Modelling Case Studies

We have worked with the team at Noise Consultants for many years and have always found them to be knowledgeable, professional, and responsive to our needs. We can rely on them to deliver high quality noise impact assessments and to devise noise mitigation schemes that are practical and cost-effective.

Stuart Watcham, Director, Technia Environment and Planning Ltd

© Noise Consultants 2025