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Planners and developers

Noise Consultants has experience in working for planners and developers across a range of sectors. Our consultants have experience in providing support and expert advice on projects that range from housing developments to some of the UK’s largest infrastructure projects, such as HS2 and the Heathrow Expansion Project.

This includes development projects requiring standalone noise and vibration assessments through to full Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). We have worked at all stages of the project cycle, including:

  • Consenting:
    • Preparation of assessment reports and EIA
    • Design of noise and vibration mitigation and control measures
    • Expert evidence and process including the negotiation and discharging of planning conditions
    • Environmental permitting
  • Construction:
    • Development of Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plans
    • COPA Section 61 applications
    • On-request and long-term construction noise and vibration monitoring
  • Operation:
    • Preparation of noise and vibration management plans
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Decommissioning
    • Monitoring and assessment of demolition and remediation work

Our consultants have supported planners and developers across a range of sectors including projects such as:

  • Residential-led mixed-use developments ranging from urban villages to city centre developments
  • Transport schemes including new and realigned roads such as motorway improvement projects and bypasses
  • Power Generation and Transmission projects including new power stations, energy from waste developments and power lines
  • Defence projects including the redevelopment of military infrastructure and military training activities
  • Renewable Energy including wind farm developments in England and Scotland ranging from single turbine schemes to multi-turbine developments
  • Waste developments ranging from EFW facilities to landfill remediation projects
  • Water infrastructure projects including pipeline rehabilitation schemes and the redevelopment of assets including reservoirs and treatment works
  • Mineral extraction schemes including new and extended quarry operations and opencast coal
  • Commercial facilities including distribution centres and rail-freight depots

Our work is supported by some of the most sophisticated noise and vibration monitoring, measurement and modelling services available within the UK.

We have worked with the team at Noise Consultants for many years and have always found them to be knowledgeable, professional, and responsive to our needs. We can rely on them to deliver high quality noise impact assessments and to devise noise mitigation schemes that are practical and cost-effective.

Stuart Watcham, Director, Technia Environment and Planning Ltd

Case Studies

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